The Advantages of Having a Home Warranty


Why Worry About, “What if…”


Home warranties are policies designed to protect the buyer against repair costs of mechanical systems and major appliances. They consist of an application fee (sometimes offered by seller/or negotiated in contract) and a small deductible (paid by buyer) when a service call is completed. There are a variety of plans covering items such as; heating, air-conditioning, dishwashers, garbage-disposals, etc.

 Benefits of Home Warranty Protection—Buyer

·         Coverage for your major mechanical systems and built-in appliances.

·         A full network of well qualified technicians at your service. Your budget is protected against unexpected repair bills.

·         All of the above for a very low deductible/service call.

 Benefits of Home Warranty Protection—Seller

·         Optional coverage during the listing period of the home sale.

·         Protection from legal disputes that can occur after the sale. Home may sell faster and at a higher price.

·         Increases your homes marketability.


Please Note:

Optional coverage is available for swimming pools, washer/dryers, spas and well pumps.